Universality of Initiation
Universality of Initiation
It has been emphasised many times in the ocult teachngs that the process of initiation, as it is usually understood, is an abnormal and not a normal one. All progression in the realm of consciousness is naturally by a graded series of awakenings, but this would proceed much more gradually and cover a longer period of time than is the case under our present planetary conditions. This particular mode of developing the consciousness of the human family was initiated by the Hierarchy during the Atlantean root-race at the latter end of the fourth sub-race, and will persist until the middle of the next round. At that time the needed stimulus will have been impaired, and as three fifths of the human family will then have esoterically "set their feet upon the path," and a large percentage of them will then be in the process of becoming the Path itself, the more normal routine will again be resumed.
Initiation on the Various Planets
The process of stimulation of the human Egos by means of graded instructions, and the application of the dynamic electrical force of the Rod is employed on three of the planets of our system aat this time.It is instituted during every fourth round, and its peculiar interest lies in the fact that the emphasis for the fourth Creative Hierarchy is every fourth chain and globe during the fourth round is laid upon the fourth initiation, that of the Crucifixion. The fourth Creative Hierarchy is the great expression of the conscious will and sacrifice of the Solar Logos, and the great symbol of the intelligent union of spirit and matter. Hence the fourth initiation, with its presentation of these cosmic truths, and its epitomising of the purpose of this fundamental sacrifice, has a pre-eminent place.
The student needs to remind himself that the other planetary schemes, though fundamentally the same as our fourth scheme, due to the varying characteristics and the individual karma of the incarnating Planetary Logos or Ray.
These differences affect:
a. The initiatory process, both in its ceremonial and altruistic aspects.
b. The application of thge Rod, for the type of force which it embodies, when brought into conjunction with the differentiated force of the planetary type, produces results of varying nature and degree.
c. The seasons of initiation. The Egos in incarnation on any planet will-according to ray type-be easily stimulated or not as the case may be, according to astrological conditions, and this will produce shorter or more protracted periods of development prior to or between each initiation.
d. The electrical phenomena produced on the higher planes, as more and more the human units esoterically "blaze forth." It must be remembered that the entire solar system, with all that is included therein, is expressing itself in terms of light, and that the process of initiation might therefore be regarded as one in which the different points of light (or human sparks) are stimulated, their radiance and temperature increased, and the sphere of influence of each light extended in radius.
The three planetary schemes wherein the great experiment of initiation is being tried are the Earth, Venus and one other. Venus was the first sphere of experiment, and the success of the endeavour and the force generated was the cause of a similar effort being made on our planet.
No planet increases its store of force, and consequently its sphere of intelligence, without incurring obligations and affecting other schemes, the interchange of force and energy between these two planets, Earth and Venus, is continuous.
A similar process has but lately been instituted on another planetary scheme, and when, in the next round, our Earth attains a point in evolution analogous to that of the Venusian scheme at the time its influence was felt by us, then we shall aid in the stimulation orstill another grpoup of planetary Egos; we shall assist in the institution of a similar procedure among the sons of men in another scheme.
In the three great planetary schemes, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn, the method of initiation will not be employed.They will be the recipients of those who are esoterically"saved" from among the other schemes. That is to say that all those who, in any scheme, achieve the needed expansions of consciousness (such as will be achieved by the majority of the human family prior to the middle of the next great cycle, or round), will be considered "saved,". Whilst the remainder will be held to be failures, and will be held over for further development during later periods, or will be transferred to those planetary schemes which from the point of view of time are not so far advanced as our Earth scheme. These three major schemes are the absorbers and synthesisers of the energy of the others.
Reference :Initiation Human and Solar: Alice A Bailey
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