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Straight Talks. Practical Solutions. portal and subdomains, provide reference articles, support guidelines, and a variety of suggestions on topics that include, help yourself and DIY.

Holistic techniques include the ethos and practice that supports the balanced function of Body, Mind and Soul.

A good example of Health and wellness via Esoteric techniques, is suggested in the original treatise, by the author Alice A. Bailey, first published in 1937, after her collaboration with a Tibetan practitioner in the techniques of meditation and Visualization.

Esoteric meditation and visual practice, are often quoted as being the catalyst that opens the veils of the third eye, to the steps of higher cosmic consciousness.

A good example of Health and wellness via Esoteric techniques, is suggested in the original treatise, by the author Alice A. Bailey, first published in 1937, after her collaboration with a Tibetan practitioner in the techniques of meditation and Visualization.

Esoteric meditation and visual practice, are often quoted as being the catalyst that opens the veils of the third eye, to  the steps of higher cosmic consciousness. 

From Intellect to Intuition


"The scientific method - apart from a narrowly agnostic and pragmatist point of view - is therefore by itself incomplete and insufficient: it demands in order to make contact with reality the complement of some metaphysic or other."

Joseph Marechal., S.J

"Western consciousness is by no means consciousness in general, but rather a historically conditioned, and geographically limited, factor representative of only one part of humanity.

The widening of our own consciousness ought not to proceed at the expense of other kinds of consciousness, but ought to take place through the development of those elements of our psyche, Just as the East cannot  do without our technique, science and industry.

The European invasion of the East was a deed of violence on a great scale, and it has left us the duty - noblesse oblige - of understanding the mind of the East. This is perhaps more necessary than we realize at present." 

Dr Hocking of Harvard

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